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#1 Marriage Solution: Why Couples Love Us

We Solve Marriage Problems For Discerning, Busy Couples
Who Want Results Fast

  • ​ ​100% Success Rate: We've saved every marriage we've worked on
  • ​ No-Nonsense, Forward-Focused: No need to talk about your past issues over and over again
  • ​ Fast Timelines: Get it done in 10 sessions or less
  • ​ Impressive Evidence: 70+ past client video interviews

Jean-Paul Gravel and Olga Kniazeva, Ph.D.

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Designed for High Achievers

We specialize in helping high-achieving, busy individuals and couples
(business owners, doctors, leaders, entrepreneurs, executives)
save and reinvent their marriages in just weeks

Reignite Your Love

In 10 Sessions Or Less

We've worked with many busy professionals, and we can tell you with certainty that the most important relationship for your success in life, and in business, is the relationship with the person you are married to.

Your marriage will either elevate you, or hold you back.

You should be happy, feel loved, and love your partner.

You should be happy to see each other.

As time goes by, life happens, and now you may be looking back asking yourself “What Happened?”

Many couples succumb to a devastating reality: as years go by, they find themselves living in a marriage where love, appreciation, and attention no longer go both ways.

They are unhappy, sad, and living like two business partners who are taking care of the kids and doing what needs to get done instead of connecting and supporting each other on a deeper level.

Often, these couples do not let their friends and family know that their marriage is on the brink of a breakup, that they may sooner rather than later have to go through a big mess - a divorce.

When out with family, friends, or in public, they pretend to be happy. Pretend to get along. Pretend to be a team. And smile on cue.

But behind closed doors it’s an entirely different story...

Each person feels hurt, upset, sad, and angry. It’s a very draining and exhausting experience that impacts every area of their lives.

It impacts the way they are with friends and family, the way they are at work, the way they feel inside, and the thoughts they have when they are alone.

If this is how your relationship feels, the next step is to ask yourself if you are willing to give it one last try.

Maybe you aren’t, and that’s ok. It’s your life and maybe you just want to throw in the towel.

But if you want to give it one last try, you need to work with someone who can help you bring the Love and Magic back into your respective lives, as well as your lives together as a family.

And the last thing you want to do is put your trust in someone who will make matters worse, and yes, unfortunately this happens more often than you would like to think...

If you want to give it one last chance, if you want to know if you can fall back in Love with each other again, if you want to become a team again, maybe we can help.

We offer a completely different solution for your Marriage Problems. One that works.

We offer a program that works on both of you individually and enables you to transform into the best version of yourselves, so that the sparks can re-ignite and attraction towards each other can come back naturally.

To date, every single couple who has worked with us has completely transformed, reinvented, and saved their marriage...

There's a comfort and ease, and security, and depth of love
that you get for that person, who's the most important person in the world.

And it's bilateral, it goes both ways.”

– Dr. Ray

It's bliss, it's actually marriage bliss, we're joined at the hip,
and it's fun, it's exciting.

He's my soul mate.

– Cynthia

Let's Get Some Clarity...

Relationships Are Trades of Value

When you got married, both of you brought a certain amount of value to the table.

When you thought about marriage, each of you assessed the situation, and decided that the person in front of you had a lot of value, enough value that marrying each other would improve both of your lives.

You felt that it would be a good idea for many reasons. Emotionally, socially, financially, security-wise, for building a family, etc…

Over time, life happened, the years went by, things changed, and so did both of you.

And the biggest thing that changed is your value as individuals. What both of you bring to the table. Who you are as individuals.

Are You Still Here?

Let’s do an exercise that will make what I’m saying Crystal Clear…

Try answering these questions and by the time you get to the 5th question you may know where this is going.

You will quickly understand what has happened to you both, and why you don’t connect with each other like you used to.

Would I Be Correct To Say The Following Statements?

Be Honest With Yourself

1) You are not as kind to each other compared to when you first got married.

2) You are not as understanding with each other compared to when you first got married.

3) You are not as patient with each other compared to when you first got married.

4) You are not as respectful towards each other compared to when you first got married.

5) You do not support each other like you did when you first got married.

6) You do not listen to each other (with big round eyes) like you did when you first got married.

7) You do not go out of your way to do the little things that make your partner happy like you did when you first got married.

8) You are not as happy, as confident, and as pleasant to be around… compared to when you first got married.

Are things starting to make sense?

Are you starting to see that the problem is not exclusively about you, or exclusively about him/her?

Your relationship is where it is because both of you have changed, and not necessarily in a good way.

Both of you bring a certain amount of value to the relationship, and each of your value has dropped significantly, therefore it only makes sense that the relationship is crashing.

"I hated my husband before, I didn’t want to see his face, ever!
And now... I love him, I do (crying) and… I like living with him.

I was exhausted, I was depressed. I was angry, I was consumed with anger and I felt trapped… And now I feel free. I feel happy, I’m crying because I’m happy (crying)"

- Candice

"It has stopped all the bickering and all the confusion and all the attacks and all the… you know the little things that every marriage has, well, that’s not there anymore. And it’s so much more enjoyable to be around my wife and you can see it also in the children, which is just as important to me...
yeah it’s just one eighty."

- Miguel

Our Solution To Your Marriage Problems

First, The Big "Secret"

Here is the Big Secret to saving your marriage and it’s the same secret to having the most Amazing Life as an individual:

The fastest way for your marriage to become as good or better than it has EVER been is for each of you to become the best versions of yourselves.

If we decided to work together and each of you became kinder, more loving, more understanding, more patient, more respectful, more supportive, more caring, more confident, and more charismatic as individuals…

If both of you authentically wanted to listen to each other with big round eyes again…

If both of you were authentically happier with your own individual lives…

– Your relationship would reach new heights, possibly higher than it has ever reached before.

– Your marriage could and most probably would be saved. (It always has)

– And you could be living your dream lives, individually, and together as a team and as a family.

You would most probably both fall back in Love with each other because you would be with a man, or a woman, who treats you, and others, and him or herself, in a way that is very attractive.

Your mate would “BE” a way that would have you falling back in LOVE.

“If it was not for this program, I believe I would have been divorced, and living separately from my children and husband. But this program has turned it around. My relationship with my husband has gone a lot better. We love each other more. We're more affectionate. Especially in front of our kids. My kids love to see us hug and kiss.

And it just brings back memory, back when I first dated my husband in high school. And yeah, like this lovey dovey feeling,
I'm enjoying this.

And I really appreciate JP’s help. Because his amazing work has changed our lives for the better. And now we're all happy.
And we all love JP."

- Dr. Alan and Marianne

The Program

  • ​Our Save My Marriage program is a customized program with Jean-Paul Gravel that involves a series of crafted conversations that help your mind perceive and react to things from a much better place.
  • ​Each program is 10 sessions and builds on each other in a consecutive way in order to create and solidify the results. Simple assignments are given to do in between the sessions which allow your mind to adapt and  e-x-p-a-n-d  at a very fast rate. Sessions are done remotely via video conferencing, and fit easily in your busy schedule.
  • ​There is a specific start and end date to the program. It is not a revolving door like conventional therapy or counselling, where you have to come back over and over again without knowing when you will arrive at your final destination.
  • ​There is no need to dive into your past and talk about all of your individual problems. With our method, you can easily let go of your negative past experiences without having to re-hash and re-live your unpleasant past memories and stories.
  • ​Positive shifts will begin happening from the moment you have your first session with Jean-Paul. By the end of your program, you will have a healthier, more positive outlook on life, and your relationship will be completely transformed – guaranteed.
  • Each person does his or her individual program. In essence, there are two programs running concurrently side by side. While we encourage couples to do their individual programs at the same time, depending on circumstances (for example if one person does not want to work on the relationship while the other person does), the other can do the program on his or her own. 
  • ​The ThroughConversation™ Save My Marriage program is full spectrum work which means that it will not only impact your marriage - it will take your entire life to even greater heights. You will become happier, more relaxed and less reactive. You will become more confident and charismatic, you will be more fulfilled in your life, and as a direct result you will be more attractive. People are automatically attracted to all of the qualities I just listed above.
  • ​Each person that comes to us does so with a very different set of needs; therefore each person gets a fully customized and unique approach that fits them like a glove. The program you receive will be suited to your personality and lifestyle.

If you like what you just read, book yourself in for a 15 min brainstorming call to find out if this program is right for you.

“I came here expecting to find a way really to end somewhat amicably a thirty five year marriage, and now I’m not doing that. And I don’t have to tell my kids why, I don’t have to tell anybody why.

People that we know are looking at us and saying
“what kind of Kool-Aid are you two drinking",
and that’s a way better place to be than where I thought we were going to be.” The program gave me what I desired, and it gave me more than that.

- Ginny

It saved my marriage, kept us together, but at the same time it gave me some fantastic side benefits with relationships with family and friends and everybody in my life, as well as setting me up really well for the future.”

- Stephen

– After 35 years, they wanted to give their Marriage the best chance possible.

A Few Things You Need To Know:

Interesting Facts About Our Program

  • ​We do not take in hundreds of clients a month, we only take two people per month. We do this to assure that we can exceed your expectations.
  • ​We believe in quality, not quantity. This is why we have over 70 video testimonials given to us by very accomplished individuals. We consistently deliver on our promises.
  • ​Every couple that has worked with us was able to transform and save their marriage.
  • ​Whenever only one person in the couple has done the program, the marriage has been saved 3 out of 4 times.​

If you like these odds, and you would like to meet with us and discuss a program for yourself, simply book your brainstorming call.

Who is this for?

This is for you if...

 You are 45 years of age, or above.

 You do not want to waste time ‘trying’ to fix your marriage.

 You don’t want the ‘finger pointing’ typically found in traditional couples counselling, or therapy.

 You want to work with someone who delivers consistent and predictable results.

 You have an immediate need to save your marriage. You want it saved NOW.


It's Easy

1. Book a 15 min brainstorming call with Jean-Paul's business partner Dr. Olga Kniazeva to see if we can help.

2. If there is mutual interest, you will get an opportunity to meet with Jean-Paul himself via a video call.

3. If we are a fit you can book your first session and begin.

“I really thought it was going to be coping skills and exercises and things like that. And what I had received out of this program is a new life. I spend more time with my wife and kid than anybody I know.
My wife likes me.

We're having fun together, we're laughing we're giggling,
we're acting like we're newlyweds!

Maybe even before that maybe like when we first met, we were just super infatuated with each other!

And, as a result of what I learned in the program, I've made more money in the time that I've been working together than I made last year. I have grown my business.

It's completely life changing.”

– Craig

Unbeatable Results

Over 70 in-depth video Case Studies of people from all walks of life.

Showcasing impressive results.

We Always Deliver On Our Promises.

People give video testimonials because they want you to know that the results we are talking about are real.

They don’t have to do a thing, and they still chose to share their experiences with you.

Watch the videos to see for yourself:

“It changed the way that I thought at the most root level. It changed the way that I behaved at the most root level. I can’t explain it, but it’s just, it changed me, and it changed the way that I see the world, that I see people, that I see situations,

Our marriage has completely done a one eighty. It was as I said it was on the surface good, everything looked really good but underneath we weren’t connecting. After the program, we are completely different, there's no stress around us talking.

There is us connecting, giggling, laughing, playing,
you know, it's completely like back when we were dating!

It really took me from living an average life,
to living an extraordinary life."

- Rahim, CEO

“Every aspect of my life has changed.
I sleep better, I have better relationships with my kids.

The marriage between my husband and I is fantastic,

I think it’s the best we have ever, ever been.

It’s like being back in love when we first met!"

- Nina, Mom

“It gave me my marriage back!

It made my marriage better than it was almost in the entire existence of my marriage, we are like newlyweds again, it’s like the honeymoon is all the time!”

– Bryan

“We are connected again. We don’t have any fear about talking to each other about anything anymore, it’s an open book, and it is so beautiful and refreshing…
It’s better than it was even before, when it was good, when we were newly married!

– Jennifer

More videos coming soon!

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Video Coming Soon!
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Video Coming Soon!
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Jean-Paul Gravel

Founder of ThroughConversation, Jean-Paul Gravel is a human potential coach, author, and speaker, whose work has been endorsed by top CEOs, medical doctors, entrepreneurs, and many others.

Over the past two decades, he has developed and perfected a system that quickly and dramatically improves emotional health, relationships, and performance levels - simultaneously.

His system is so effective that even couples on a brink of divorce, with wedding rings off, sleeping in different rooms, are able to rediscover their love and affection for each other, in a matter of weeks - as long as they are willing to give it one last try.

With his unique proprietary process, Jean-Paul has helped hundreds of people connect with one another with more ease and Love.

Olga Kniazeva, PhD 

Jean-Paul's business partner and head consultant, Olga will be your first point of contact during your 15 minute consultation.

A former academic and strategy consultant, Dr. Olga Kniazeva has worked with a number of prominent international organizations and academic institutions around the world, including NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels, Harvard University Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Women Waging Peace.

After experiencing ThroughConversation in 2009, Olga changed her career path to make the program available internationally.

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Working with Jean-Paul will save your marriage,
and improve your quality of life beyond your wildest dreams.